Cadbury Hunt The Creme Egg

Cadbury Hunt the Half and Half Creme Egg

PromoVeritas are proud to power Cadbury Hunt the Creme Egg promotion across the UK and ROI.

For the last 12 years, Cadbury have partnered with PromoVeritas to hide hundreds of unique half white, half milk chocolate creme eggs around the UK and ROI for consumers to find. Winning eggs have a cash prize attached, from £50 to £10,000 and can be found in stores ranging from big retailers to local corner shop independents, giving everyone a chance to win.


  • FMCG

The Services We Provided

  • Codes
  • Communications
  • Compliance
  • Conditions
  • CPP
  • Generating Unique
  • Marcom Review
  • Oversight
  • Prize Fulfillment
  • Strategy
  • Terms & Conditions

Live Markets

  • Ireland flagIreland
  • United Kingdom flagUnited Kingdom


Prize Pool




Winning Eggs

What was the client looking for?

Cadbury Creme Egg is an institution and much loved brand. ‘How Do You Eat Yours’ is pure marketing magic and Easter is an important moment in terms of both sales and the consumer experience.

The multi-country, national scale of Creme Egg’s Hunt the Egg requires a “crack” team and PromoVeritas are ‘egg-sperts’ at making it happen.

The Power we provide:

  • Our legal team help prepare Terms and Conditions for the promotion and offer client advice to ensure any changes in local laws and regulations are adhered to.
  • In-depth Marketing Communications review to ensure compliance with the CAP Code.
  • Winning ticket production and fraud prevention.
  • Factory visit to wrap the winning eggs – someone’s got to do it!
  • Controlled Product/Prize Placement, for absolute fairness our covert team of egg ninja’s plant the winning eggs strategically around the promotional geography, we are trusted for our utmost integrity and confidentiality.
  • Creme Egg Hotline, the winners contact our team of Happy-Makers to organise their prize.

What did the client have to say?

The team at Cadbury have been running the promotion for 12 consecutive years! Each year keeping it fresh, building excitement and executing ATL advertising campaigns flawlessly.

What did the winners say?

“It feels like I won the lottery!”

“I’m surprised and didn’t think it was real!”

Contact us to discuss your next promotion

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